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Cours de dessins pour adolescents

  • Learn the basics of figurative drawing and different techniques in the approach. You will be introduced to subjects such as portraiture and the human body, as well as still life and animal illustration.

  • Lerne Grundlagen im figürlichen Zeichnen und unterschiedliche Techniken in derHerangehensweise. Du wirst an Themen wie Portrait und den menschlichen Körper heran geführt, sowie auch Stillleben und Tierillustration.

  • Apprends les bases du dessin figuratif et les différentes techniques de l'approche. Tu seras initié à des sujets tels que le portrait et le corps humain, ainsi que la nature morte et l'illustration animalière.

About me: I graduated as a master student in free art at the UdK Berlin in 2004 and then lived in southern France until 2018, where I taught painting and drawing classes at a cultural center for 14 years. I've been back in Berlin since 2018 and work freelance in my studio in Kreuzberg.

Monday 16h30-18h30

Maximum: 5 persons

Class for adolescents 2 hours

Price: 25 €

ticket for 5 classes: 110 €

First trial: 10 €


Ratiborstraße 5

10999 Berlin

Ring the bell at Atelier Chrome

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